

Penny Hampson

Don’t be a Nuisance! 11 Useful Facts for a Regency Time-Traveller.

January 24th, 2019

To help with research, it’s always useful for a writer of historical novels to have a few old books to hand. Well, that’s my excuse for haunting antiquarian and second-hand book sites and shops, and spending hard-earned cash on decrepit and worn volumes (the only sort I can afford). To be honest, I started buying […]

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The Canal Built to Trap an Army

January 19th, 2019

Have you heard of the Royal Military Canal? Up to fairly recently, I hadn’t. An entry in the Gentleman’s Magazine for December 1810 brought it to my attention. It reported that a soldier had drowned in the canal, having fallen in when it was dark. The report didn’t mention the site of the tragedy, stating […]

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4 more sleeps until Christmas!

December 21st, 2018

Only four more sleeps until Christmas Day, and I’m nowhere near prepared. It’s not that I’ve been lazy, but a case of too many jobs to fit in a limited time, so this will be a very short post.   I’ve been busy going through the proofs of An Officer’s Vow and it will be […]

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A bit about me and my writing

November 27th, 2018

The inspiration for A Gentleman’s Promise I’ve always enjoyed reading, mainly historical fiction, crime, and mysteries; I can’t think of a better way to escape the stresses and strains of everyday life. I decided to write the sort of book that I enjoy reading, something light and escapist, but based in a real historical landscape. […]

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Manuscripts, Maps, and Magic

November 20th, 2018

Last week I had the privilege of taking a tour of the Bodleian Library’s conservation workshop. Housed in the impressive Weston Library, the workshop is on the top floor, where it is able to take full advantage of the unobstructed light coming in from the windows ranged across one side of the room. On first […]

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What I did on my holiday – part 3

November 16th, 2018

In my short trip to Devon last month I managed to pack a lot in. I’ve already told you about the marvellous Arlington Court and the Carriage Museum. That visit took up a whole day. My second day was spent exploring. Heading north up the coast, husband and I ended up in Ilfracombe. Now, at […]

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National Trust Carriage Museum

October 31st, 2018

As a writer, it’s very important to me to be able to describe, as accurately as possible, the lived experience of my characters. For my historical stories, this means undertaking extensive research. Not all research involves visiting libraries, reading historical accounts, and checking things out on the internet – all activities I enjoy, but some […]

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A mini break in Devon

October 21st, 2018

Recently I enjoyed a mini break in Devon. You might think that October isn’t the ideal month for a seaside trip, autumn in Britain can be either spectacularly warm and sunny or stormy and wet. I was lucky – I had three days of blue skies, bright sun, and fantastic sunsets. My husband and I […]

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September 9th, 2018

Bath Another of my favourite places is Bath, that beautiful city so connected with Jane Austen and all things Regency. The first time I saw it, spread out across the hillside as we drove in, it took my breath away. It’s not surprising Bath is designated a Unesco World Heritage Site; the honey-coloured architecture is […]

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