

Penny Hampson

A Trip Back in Time: Railways and… Rhinos?

May 20th, 2019

Last week saw another of my whistle-stop trips. It’s amazing what you can pack in when you have limited time. Husband and I visited Bridgnorth, Shropshire, a small market town in the Severn Valley, bisected by the River Severn. It was very much a short visit, we spent even less time there than we did […]

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A Trip to Worcester: Art and Architecture

May 11th, 2019

The other day husband and I made our first visit to Worcester, a lovely, small cathedral city in the Midlands, skirted on its western side by the River Severn. The weather wasn’t great, but at least the rain wasn’t torrential. First stop, after finding a parking space, was the Tourist Information Centre on the High […]

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Deceiving the Enemy

May 3rd, 2019

Read my article on the Art of Deception during the Napoleonic Wars on Mary Anne Yarde’s blogspot

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Books, Shakespeare, and Coffins: A Trip to Brum

April 28th, 2019

A couple of weeks ago, the husband and I went to Birmingham for a bit of a break.What’s special about Birmingham, I hear you ask? Let me tell you. Having lived there in the past (over twenty years ago now) I know the centre fairly well — most of it, anyway — a lot has […]

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Austen, Heyer and Regency Romance

April 18th, 2019

No post today, but read my thoughts on Jane Austen on Tom Williams’ blog here

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Drawing the Past: Hugh Thomson, Illustrator

April 4th, 2019

I might have mentioned previously that one of my favourite illustrators for the works of Jane Austen is C. E. Brock (1870-1938). Several weeks ago, during my visit to Bath, I was fortunate to find an edition of Pride and Prejudice illustrated by Brock, and snapped it up. Happily, it did not cost a lot. […]

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A Walk on the Wild Side: St Thomas’ Parish, Oxford

March 30th, 2019

There’s nothing like exploring on foot to get a real feel for a place, so I was very pleased to join a guided walking tour earlier this week. The tour in question was around a part of Oxford that was completely unknown to me — and I have worked in that city for almost twenty […]

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A Sunday Walk (and Jane Austen Came Too)

March 24th, 2019

Today felt like spring had really arrived. After nearly two weeks of being stuck indoors because of illness, I desperately needed to get out and about, and the sunshine and clear skies could no longer be ignored. So, husband and I decided to head off over the fields towards a small hamlet a couple of […]

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Church, Chapel, and Cake: A Visit to Bath Part 3

March 17th, 2019

It’s been a while since I posted, so apologies if you’ve been waiting for the final instalment of my trip to Bath. On the recommendation of a friend, the final full day of my trip included a visit to St Swithin’s Church in Walcot. I’d not been there before, but because it has Austen connections, […]

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