

Penny Hampson

Looking for a great free read? Look no further!

October 17th, 2020

My spooky mystery novel, The Unquiet Spirit is available to download free this weekend (October 17-18). So if you enjoy cosy mysteries, with a hint of danger and a sprinkle of romance (there might even be a ghost or two!) why not take a chance and download it today? Here are some of the nice […]

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When is a Romance Not a Romance?

October 12th, 2020

After a stressful week I was looking for some escapism, so I settled on a book I haven’t read in years – Georgette Heyer’s A Civil Contract. Like most of Heyer’s other Regencies, this story is not a typical romance (yes, it’s true, in my opinion she doesn’t write typical romances). A Civil Contract is […]

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Learn How Not To Travel: Two Dangerous Trips

October 5th, 2020

I’ve been looking at my October 1812 edition of The Gentleman’s Magazine and discovered amongst the many news reports, accounts of two hair-raising events. On the 1st Oct it was reported that, at one o’clock in the afternoon, a Mr Sadler ascended in his balloon from Belvedere House, near Dublin. It must have been windy, […]

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Want to visit one of Oxfordshire’s best kept secrets?

September 11th, 2020

Another trip out last week for the husband and I. This time we were meeting up with friends for a socially-distanced picnic. The venue was the glorious Buscot Park, near Faringdon, Oxfordshire. The weather wasn’t great when we arrived in the early afternoon, with grey skies and even a few spots of rain. By mid-afternoon, […]

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Fishponds and Railway Lines: Traces of the Past

September 1st, 2020

Looking for somewhere different to walk recently, the husband and I set off to visit Eynsham, a village to the west of Oxford. We’ve done a walk there in the past and decided that it was due further exploration. I like Eynsham, it’s architecture is a mixture of many time periods, making it easy to […]

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Today’s the Day!

August 21st, 2020

At last, it’s finally here! Today is launch day for The Unquiet Spirit. As you will see, it’s available not only as an ebook, but also a paperback. I was very excited when my first copy arrived in the post. The Unquiet Spirit has also received some lovely reviews.‘Atmospheric and haunting right from the beginning’‘The […]

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It’s Nearly Time…

August 14th, 2020

I’m getting very excited about the release of my latest book. That’s right, The Unquiet Spirit will be available on Amazon on Friday 21st August – although you can pre-order it now. A creepy mystery, aiming to send shivers down your spine, I hope you enjoy it because I certainly enjoyed writing it, Unlike my […]

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A Sweet Day Out

August 9th, 2020

A few days ago, the husband and I got up early and headed off for Sherborne, Oxfordshire, an estate owned by the National Trust. It’s popular with walkers, but generally isn’t very busy, and it seemed like a good time to visit when most other people were heading for the coast. Another reason for our […]

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An Evening’s Entertainment in Bath? Step This Way

August 3rd, 2020

Because I miss being able to visit Bath I thought I’d write a bit more about another of its attractions, Sydney Gardens. Situated at one end of Great Pulteney Street, this is the oldest park in Bath and one of the few remaining eighteenth-century pleasure gardens in the UK. Designed in 1795 by the architect […]

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